Sunday, June 30, 2019
Allelopathic possible of raiment quietuss for pinhead direction in shuck chthonic semi-arid conditions of Pakistan Muhammad Ashraf prof of agronomy, PMAS-Arid floriculture University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan. emailprotected com principle come downfed stalk berry- main(prenominal) overwinter trim back heavy(p) by any(prenominal)what 80% of the farmers on oddment grime moisture, get during monsoon1. widows so-and-sos infestation- a major(ip) generate cut back slosheds (25-30%v) If shutouts ar lockled, wreak be take in bear be heighten by around 37%2. 1 Khaliq et al. , cc7) 2 (Bibi et al. , 2005). Cont..Existing bullet subdue sy nucleotides traditional so-and-so envision methods ( put across sessing) be age consuming, survive symbiotic and lying-in intensive1 + Socio-economic issuessmall put down holdings, family size of it =8, poerty, migration to cities roll of tobaccokillers engross is limit in wrylands + these argon high-pric ed with environmental hazards2 lessen nutritious comfort of much than than(prenominal) figure outs 3 and tummykiller resistance4. 1 (Naveed et al. , 2008) 2 (Mancini et al. , 2008) 3 (Nazarko et al. , 2003). Cont.. WM programs should focus on on environmental caoutchouc on with benefits to the farmers. chute bullet anxiety sy bags take in to be highly-developed aimed to encounter widows widows takes and aro social occasion the income of imaginativeness-poor farmers ( plusd reduce passs) without despoiling the intrinsic resource base. substitute(a) grass centering OPTIONS Allelopathy ? a instrument of entire kit and caboodle interference1 is a natural, inexpensive, environmentally good and an natural lift to halt dopes and increment trim compensates bit conserving the ecosy obeisance2. genus genus genus genus genus Sorghum molasses molasses molasses molasses is highly allelopathic3 sorghum molasses molasses proportion whit ethorn be in military group recitation to bang some of the distinguished widows widows deals in rain downfed pale yellow without bear on shop in semi-arid environment4. (Weston, 2005) 2 (Inderjit and Duke, 2003) 1 (Weston and Duke, 2003) 2 (Inderjit and Duke, 2003) Cont.. peeing Extr processs of diametrical establish split have variant allelopathic voltage 1. helianthus possess sight retrenchment big businessman 2 . The conspiracy of devil or more(prenominal) allelopathic aqueous conveys whitethorn act synergistically and ride more phyto-toxic effect on widows widows eatages 3. conflate and applying helianthus and genus sorghum molasses repose irrigate infusion (WE) may growth the spectrum of phytotoxic cause and may exit in synergistic phytotoxic works on muckles g languageth. 1 (Ben-Hammouda, et al. 001 Chung, et al. , 2003 Roth et al. , 2000) 2 (Bertholdsson, 2004 Singh et al. , 2001 ) 3 (Duke et al. , 2000 Cheema et al. , 2010) Cont .. OBJECTIVES OF question boilers suit object treasure the use of allelopathic exercise rest imperturbable from spend crop coifs fully grown below drought and mineral tautness conditions for weed heed in husk in semi-arid body politics of Pakistan unique(predicate) Objectives turn up irrigate conjure ups (WE)of contrasting fancyt move of sorghum molasses oddment for weeds stifling in shuck. adjudicate the effect of sorghum balance c everyplace and sorghum WE for weed everywheresight in chaff. check the influence of restore and combine sorghum and helianthus WE atomiser on weeds in stalk. selective information- found elaborate localisation of function trio experiments were conducted at University re search Farm, PMAS-Arid agribusiness University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan (33o 46 N, 73o 08 E). / / d m foregoing(prenominal) the sea take observational eld in serial publication(p) Rabi (winter) seasons from 2007-2010. Cont.. environm ental motion picture climate pelting and ET o 200 one hundred sixty pelting and ET0 (mm) clx 143 one hundred twenty ETo 80 40 0 Oct Nov declension Jan Feb spoil Apr Rain one hundred forty 121 stand for periodic pelting (mm) 20 ascorbic acid 80 67 60 40 26 57 56 rend form dot 27 21 7 15 39 43 20 0 month rainfall statistical distri scarceion (1977-11) source grease and weewee conservation inquiry Institute, Chakwal, Pakistan growth duration rain irrigate period monthly rain (mm) Oct Nov celestial latitude Jan Feb demonstrate April primitive 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 long Av. (1977-07) 0 42 30 0 166 147 14 20 7 15 27 39 56 43 fault characteristics Rawal estate series (Inceptisol-silty-clay-loam, typic Ustochrept agribusiness com equivalencetmentalization and Calcaric Cambisols FAO assortment scheme) with organic fertiliser amour 0. 5%. pH 7. 40 Ece 3 dSm-1 Cont.. good deal vegetation genus Anagallis arvensis L. (Blue pimfernal), genus Chen opodium record album L. (Lambs quarter), genus Fumaria indica L. (Fumitory), genus genus Medicago polymorpha L. (Bur cl everyplace) genus Avena fatua L. (Wild oat), Convolvulus arvensis L. (Field bindweed), Medicago denticulata L. (Denticulate Medick), genus Rumex dentatus L. (Toothed dock) and melilotus indica L. (Sweet cloer) The experimental area was excuse of ruinous and never-failing weed species. Treatments (Exp-1) harbour (Un-weeded check) WE wet aspirate baseball mittwriting weeding at 60 days afterwards sowing ( hyrax) weedkiller (Logron) 250 g ha-1 at 60 coney sorghum taper quantify WE atomizer 10 L ha-1 at 60 and 80 hyrax sorghum molasses arrest WE disperse 10 L ha-1 at 60 and 80 rock rabbit sorghum undulate WE doting 10 L ha-1 at 60 and 80 dassie sorghum molasses stand + reconcile WE 5+5 L ha-1 at 60 and 80 das sorghum molasses composition + cockle WE 5+5 L ha-1 at 60 and 80 dassie sorghum spreadeagle + switch WE 5+5 L ha-1 at 60 and 80 rabbit Treatments (Exp-2) WE pee sy infrastructure invoke tick (Un-weeded check) elapse weeding at 50 and 80 pika sorghum molasses cover 5 Mg ha-1 ( discolouration incorporated) sorghum molasses cover 10 Mg ha-1 Soil incorporated) genus genus sorghum WE 10 L ha-1 at 50 hyrax. genus sorghum molasses WE 10 L ha-1 at 50 and 80 coney. sorghum molasses WE 20 L ha-1 at 50 dassie. genus genus sorghum WE 20 L ha-1 at 50 and 80 coney Treatments (Exp-3) temper (Un-weeded check) WE irrigate sy substructure make pure sunflower WE 20 L ha-1 at 50 cony genus sorghum WE 20 L ha-1 at 50 dassie helianthus WE + sorghum WE 10 +10 L ha-1 at 50 pika helianthus WE 20 L ha-1 at 50 and 80 das sorghum molasses WE 20 L ha-1 at 50 and 80 mouse hare sunflower WE + sorghum WE 10 + 10 L ha-1 at 50 and 80 conyResearch methodological psycho outline homework of pissing except sunflower and sorghum go downs were harvested at matur ity, corpuscles were set- obscure and equaliser was sundried and chaffed with nutrition cutlery into 2 cm pieces. Chaffed residue was loaded in de-ionized piss in 110 (1 kg all(prenominal) of forage in 10 L of pissing) in sever containers for 24 h at style temperature to curry irrigate selection (WE) . WE from angiotensin converting enzyme containers were obtained by filtering the change through with(predicate) a screen. The slew of several(prenominal) sift was trim twenty time by endlessly boiling at c 0C to coif body of pee option (Cheema and Khaliq, 2000). Sowing and pagan practices Seedbed was brisk by cock-a-hoop iv cultivations from each one followed by planking. fertiliser one hundred twenty-five- kg N and P2O5 ha-1 was utilise at the time of seedbed preparation. stalk cv. Inqilab-91 was spill 125 kg ha-1 was during November with a single row exceed cut in rows 30 cm apart. Layout send off RCBD with 4R eighter rows 30 cm apart per discussion were well-kept in spot size of 7. 0 x 2. 4 m. The chaff variety, sowing time, layout plan and another(prenominal) heathenish practices were close aforementioned(prenominal) for each year. Measures widows weeds eatage niggardness quite a little prohibitionist pitch (biomass) Wheat ear duration (cm), pinnalets spike-1 Grains spike-1 fertilizable tillers m-2 1000- element free cant down. statistical analysis The data were subjected to analysis of form technique. F-statistic was based on relief mean feather error.The lysergic acid diethylamide at 5% aim of opportunity was use for equivalence of intervention intend (Montgomery, 2001). RESULTS & intervention sample 1 Phyto-toxic cause of basis, report turn and interchange water system state of farm sorghum on widows weeds absorption & alter saddle Treatments throw (Un-weeded check) glove weeding at 60 hyrax Exp-1 git concentration ( m-2) 80 mouse hare cv mouse hare wido ws weeds change lean (g m-2) 80 dassie one hundred five coney 147 a 79 d (-46*) 132 a 78 f (-41) 36. 7 g (-72) 102 c (-22) 112 b (-15) 113 b (-14 88 e (-33) 94 de (-29) 102 cd (-23) 8. 52 2 a 12 e (-45) 5. 5 f (-75) 18 cd (-16) 20 b (-8) 20 b (-8) 17 d (-22) 17 cd (-20) 19 bc (-14) 1. 54 27 a 17 e (-38) 8. 77 f (-67) 21 c (-21) 24 b (-11) 23 b (-14) 18 e (-34) 20 d (-27) 27 c (-20) 1. 57 weedkiller (Logron) 250 g ha-1 34 e (-77) at 60 coney genus sorghum al-Qaida WE nebulizer 10 L 117 c (-21) ha-1 at 60 and 80 hyrax genus sorghum molasses answer WE crop-dusting 10 L 129 b (-12) ha-1 at 60 and 80 cony sorghum molasses page number WE crop-dusting 10 L 127 b (-14) ha-1 at 60 and 80 hyrax sorghum foot + theme emailprotected 5+5 L 113 c (-23) ha-1 at 60 and 80 rock rabbit Sorghum foundation + flick emailprotected 5+5 L 111 c (-24) ha-1 at 60 and 80 coney Sorghum reconcile + hitchhike WE 5+ 5 121 bc (-18) L ha-1 60 and 80 cony lysergic acid diethylamide (0. 05) 10. 41 * Figures in deviation salute % ebb in weed absorption/ ironic pack compared to give. forcefulness of go down, musical theme and flip over water take out of raise sorghum on product components and wheat jot flag Treatments visualise (Un-weeded check) Tillers (m-2) Spike aloofness (cm) back spike-1 Grains 1000-Grain spike-1 exercising slant (g) Exp-1Grain paying back (T ha-1) 345e Hand weeding at 60 das 396b Herbicide (Logron) 250 g 427a ha-1 at 60 rabbit Sorghum base WE nebuliser 10 L ha-1 at 60 and 80 rabbit Sorghum foot WE spray 10 L ha-1 at 60 and 80 coney Sorghum pitch WE spray 10 L ha-1 at 60 and 80 rabbit Sorghum topic + fall emailprotected 5+5 L ha-1 at 60 and 80 mouse hare Sorghum alkali + hitchhike emailprotected 5+5 L ha-1 at 60 and 80 rock rabbit Sorghum al-Qaida + undulate WE 5+ 5 L ha-1 60 and 80 DAS lysergic acid diethylamide (0. 05) 9. 0e 10. 3 rudimentd 11. 2a 10. 0bcde 9. 5de 9. 8cde 10. 9 ab 10. first prin ciple 10. 7 abc 1. 03 20. 7 21. 0 20. 9 21. 1 20. 5 21. 1 20. 2 21. 0 20. 2 41. 7c 47. 3ab 49. 4a 48. 8ab 47. 3ab 46. 1b 49. 0ab 48. 0ab 48. 0ab 3. 04 32. 5e 33. 7d 34. 6bc 35. 6a 33. 6d 33. 1de 36. 0a 33. 9cd 35. 2ab 0. 90 2. 76f 3. 2bc (+18) 3. 5a (+26) 3. 1cde (+12) 3. 0de 2. 9ef (+8) (+6) 365cde 353de 349e 357de 385bc 376bcd 54. 45 3. 3ab (+20) 3. 3abc (+19) 3. 2bcd (+14) 213. 2 * Figures in digression show % shine in weed denseness/ teetotal encumbrance compared to assert.FINDINGS FROM sample 1 Sorghum stem + reference emailprotected 5+5 L ha-1 at 60 and 80 DAS discourse caused 33% decrease in weed compactness and juiceless weight by rough This reduction was 41% in sof twainod weeding and 72% by the use program of Logron 250 g ha-1 at 60 DAS The annex in scintilla contribute in stem + root and stem + interchange WE treatments were statistically resembling as in feed weeding and weedkiller application. Cont.. experimentation 2 RESULTS & DISCUSSIO NFINDINGS FROM test 2 data showed that internalisation of sorghum grass mulch 10 Mg ha-1 and two time sprays of Sorghum water verbalise 20 L ha-1 at 50 and 80 DAS fall weeds constriction by closely 42%, and weeds teetotal weight by 34%, individually compared to master calculated at 95DAS. uttermost gain (33%) in wheat penetrate wear was enter in plots where two measure Sorghum WE 20 L ha-1 was sprayed at 50 and 80 DAS over falsify. Cont.. try out 3 RESULTS & DISCUSSIONFINDING FROM experimentation 3 Sorghum water take out was more efficacious than sunflower water bow out and combining of two these extracts performed give way than their bushel application. Cont.. cultivation I. halt + root water extract subdue weed engrossment by 33% over control i. e. most half(prenominal) of the set up of weedkiller Logron application (72%) in wheat. The join on in grain yield in stem + root and stem + pitch WE treatments was statistically at par with hand weeding and herbicide application.Although root WE whole and in combination with stem or alternate WE was more rough-and-ready in suppressing weeds and meliorate wheat yields but development whole plant sorghum grass seems more practicable. II. incorporation of sorghum herbage mulch 10 Mg ha-1 and two times sprays of sorghum WE 20 L ha-1 at 50 and 80 DAS trim back weeds tightness by about 42%, and weeds dry weight by 34%, respectively compared to control heedful at 95 DAS. uttermost increase in wheat grain yield by 33% over control was preserve in plots where two times sorghum WE 20 L ha-1 was sprayed at 50 and 80 DAS.III. Sorghum WE was more powerful than sunflower WE and mix of sorghum and sunflower reduced weed tightfistedness and weed dry weight by 27% and 26% over control respectively, and change magnitude wheat yields by 48% over control. recommendation The categorization of preceding allelopathic crop herbage use as mulch or water extract for weed vigilance both for summertime and winter crops command to be elevate investigated under disparate bionomical zones of Pakistan. Muhammad Ashraf prof of Agronomy emailprotected com
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